Protecting Our History
Heritage Buildings
Resurfacing Without the Negative Effects
Resurfacing Old Concrete with Premium Resin-Bound Stone
- No Water Pooling
- Oil Stains Clean Off Easily
- UV Proof Natural Stone
- Ideal for High Traffic Areas

Enhance Historical Landscapes
Functional Resurfacing of Historic Surfaces to Breathe New Life
Sourced in Australia, the stone we use is ideal to match existing character and resin-bound to ensure safety and durablity. StoneSet has been specified at dozens of Heritage locations Australia Wide.
Federation era buildings employed loose gravel as a means of durable, decorative paving. Today, the dichotomy of heritage listings with public liability requires a modern paving solution – hard binding polyurethane resin.
Some significant heritage locations that have paved include Admiralty house, Observatory Hill and the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.
StoneSet’s porous paving remains cooler than concrete and provides a more sustainable environment, and it’s so much more versatile for a wide range of landscaping applications.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Although we may not be fully acquainted with the phenomenon that is urban heat island, we’re all familiar with its effects – the change in temperature between the concrete jungle of the city compared to the rolling hills of the countryside.
Porous Paving can help reduce some of the heat island effect as some of the water that soaks into the ground subsequently evaporates. Called the wicking effect, this in turn cools the air.
Reflect the heat with StoneSet’s range of colours that enable you to select lighter coloured surfaces which absorb less heat, making the surface cooler to walk on and reduces the overall surrounding temperature.
Keep rivers cool. Surface run off from rainfall can lead to heating via conduction into local rivers which can greatly affect the ecological balance and harm fish and other organisms.
Allowing rainwater to soak back into the ground, rather than creating surface run off improves the health of surrounding rivers.
StoneSet provides a hard wearing useable surface that will not suffer in dry seasons and does not equire water for the installation.
StoneSet requires no water for the manufacture or installation, while other decorative stone surfaces require lots of water and can send toxins and cement into surrounding drains.
Water harvesting and passive irrigation are an integral part of water sensitive design. When rain water is unable to soak back into the ground, the earth becomes dry and trees and plants suffer as a result. In periods of drought the rainwater should be collected and held within the ground or harvested for reuse rather than channeled straight to the waterways.
Car parks and driveways can be turned into water harvesting areas. While roof tops have long been used to collect rain rainwater, so too can your hard landscaped areas. An added benefit is the filtration that can occur combined with the space saving of using an underground storage tank.
StoneSet’s environmental credentials are as follows;
StoneSet uses locally sourced natural aggregates. Compared with the embodied energy required to transport raw materials and fabricate other hard surfaces (such as kilns and mixing plants)
The majority of StoneSet applications involve an overlay topping or ‘concrete resurfacing’. This is both economical and environmentally beneficial as the existing concrete base is not removed and sent to landfill.
StoneSet permeable driveways return water to the ground water table. Even an overlay results in a permeable concrete driveway where runoff can be channeled in sections to the side to reduce runoff.
As StoneSet uses natural stone, there is no use of chemical dyes – meaning no fading in colour from constant UV exposure. We also use less raw materials overall as the layer is porous with (air gaps) meaning lower amounts of raw materials, including our polyurethane binding resin.
StoneSet supports Wires animal rescue and contributes towards being Carbon Neutral.
The Water Cycle “continuous movement of water on Earth”
Water soaking back into the ground is very important to recharge ground water creeks and streams, the process naturally filters the water providing cleaner healthier waterways.
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