Here is another stunning heritage project that was completed in 2010 on instruction from the NSW office of Environment and Heritage.
The large scale job was one of the oldest StoneSet projects in Australia, together with Ashton house which is also located on the foreshore of Sydney harbour. Installed using a iron red glensanda stone thee StoneSet driveway was the only option for the driveway approved by the National Heritage Board.
The team had to do significant prep work, including chisling out around existing drainage, given the decades of compaction, the paving was rock solid. In order to finish flush up agains some of the existing spoon drains and guttering, we needed to get a depth low enough to ensure a durable finish for the long term.
StoneSet were also involved in making custom drain panels which can be seen in the photos, so as to create a continuous surface and keep in line with heritage appearance but allowing manhole access to modern upgrades in utilities that had evolved with the property.
Babworth house has seen a long line of change of ownership and subdivision. The government-owned heritage-listed component around the estate proper is where StoneSet installed the porous natural stone paving.
It is estimated the stone that we replaced at the residence could have been more than 6 years old, as the stone was continually replaced, however low usage given the property was not accessible to the general public for most of the century.