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Permeable Parking Lots

Permeable Parking Lots

How many times have you been walking out to your car, only to dance around puddles? Or, even worse, how often have you parked in the rain, got out without looking, and found yourself soaked to the ankle because of a puddle you didn’t see? Those are annoying, but all that standing water can have disastrous effects on the surrounding area when it comes to flooding.

That’s what happened at the Detroit Zoo in the United States.

Their solution? They Installed a Permeable Paved Parking Lot

In 2016 the Detroit Zoo completed the installation of a permeable paving parking lot. The largest of its kind in the United States, this 215-space lot was installed as part of the zoo’s continuing efforts to lead the way on green construction initiatives.

However, what the Daily Tribune failed to mention in its coverage is that permeable pavement is far from a new invention. It’s been around since the last century and was commonly used all over Europe in buildings to save on costs.

The environmental benefits of permeable paving have only recently allowed the material to return.

Detriot Zoo’s New Eco-Friendly Parking Lot Could Send a Message

While the Detroit Zoo’s permeable parking lot is far from the only example of permeable paving use in the United States, much less in the rest of the world, it is the largest. For now, at least.

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It might not seem overly impressive, but it’s important to remember that even proven technologies have to run the gauntlet all over again to prove that they’re both greener, and more effective than existing solutions – and, the more examples we have of permeable paving preventing storm runoff, and simultaneously cutting down on pollution and costs, the more popular it will become as a paving solution.

In a way, it’s a lot like solar power. We knew it worked, but it wasn’t considered feasible until people showed, unequivocally, that it would scale to our needs. Permeable paving is currently doing the same thing, showing the world why it deserves to be installed.

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StoneSet Provides Permeable Car Parks to Sydney Councils

Permeable paving is far from a new creation, but it’s finally being embraced by many designers, businesses and councils looking for green solutions to their pavement problems. As the name implies, porous paving is pavement without filler, so tiny pathways in the pavement allow water to drain. Even better, the pavement acts as a filter, catching contaminants like oil and not letting them into the water table.

Parking lots are an ideal candidate for Permeable paving. They tend to be fairly large, and that surface area makes them a flood risk. So, rather than installing elaborate systems for draining a parking lot, making the pavement work for you is possible. Permeable pavement ensures no puddles are waiting to catch people unawares and swiftly drains water away to ensure no flooding.

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If you need more information on permeable paving or have questions about the sheer variety of applications it can be used for, feel free to contact us today!

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